CloudUni.Fi - UniFi Cloud Hosting

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CloudKey Gen1 officially end of life

It is official as we predicted earlier in the year the CloudKey Gen1 is End Of Life.

As of Unifi Network Application 7.3 the UC-CK Unifi CloudKey Gen1 is no longer supported

Our team have spent time with new customers fixing the CloudKeys to a point a backup can be taken and then migrating their management to hosting.

We believe we have the most competitive service and pricing offer for business and homes users, without having to invest in new CloudKeys.

Sign up to one of the below plans and migrate your management to before it is too late and continue to enjoy the benefits of newer Unifi features. Once you have signed up the team will walk you through migrating from your CloudKey.

If you have 5 Unifi devices from £15 per year with

If you have 10 Unifi devices from £25 per year with

If you have 25 Unifi devices from £50 per year with

Talk to us to find out more on how can help you.